Explosions, explosions, la la la!
Explosions, explosions, la la la!
Explosions, explosions, la la la!
On rainy days...
And on snowy days...
Even on peaceful afternoons!
What do you think of this lovely rainbow?
I give it 120 points!
What am I even doing?
I can't keep this up!
KONOSUBA! God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! 2
Episode 3 Peace for the Master of This Labyrinth!
Tomorrow we're going to a dungeon.
We are.
No, no way!
I mean, I'm practically useless inside a dungeon!
I can't use explosion magic,
which makes me an ordinary civilian!
Remember when you joined up with us,
and you said you'd carry our bags, or whatever we needed?
Hey, can't we wait until Darkness gets back?
Listen to me!
Right now, we've got as much debt as some countries!
If we don't do something, we'll starve to death!
Even though I'm being paid more now for folding those milk cartons?
Even though I've been selling vegetables non-stop?
Those side and part-time jobs
are never going to bring us the kind of money we need!
For beginners... Keele's Dungeon?
Hasn't this place been thoroughly explored already?
Well, the thing is...
Recently, a new passage was discovered by accident,
so there was going to be a large-scale quest to escort the survey team...
But I asked her to give us the first crack at it.
That being the case, the other adventurers don't know about it yet.
I see... Then there might still be treasure in the unexplored areas.
What? Hey, are you guys talking about a score?
It's a very serious matter.
I don't want to drag you into it.
Hey, this expires tonight!
Make good use of it.
I've got it!
We finally have a chance to make some real money.
We can't afford to have anyone mess it up.
Anyway, there's no telling how dangerous it might be,
so watch yourselves out there.
Exploration Quest
For a lowbie dungeon, it's annoyingly far from town.
Being this far from civilization, I can blow up whatever I want!
We're going underground, so you'd better not.
Seriously, don't.
Long, long ago, this dungeon was created by the kingdom's greatest arch wizard.
Why do you suppose he holed up in a place like this?
Beats me.
Must be hard to rest in peace when people are constantly digging around in your house.
All right...
I'll head in first. You guys wait here.
I've got the thief skills "Enemy Detection" and "Lurk."
By using them, I can avoid enemies while I explore the dungeon.
Then there's "Foresight."
With it, I can navigate through dark spaces with ease!
All thanks to one of the few advantages of the adventurer class:
the ability to use skills from other classes.
It's times like these when you need to capitalize on your strengths...
Hey, hey, are you seriously able to see?
Yes, I am.
Were you listening at all?
You came in here with me, but you can't even do anything in the dark.
Have you forgotten who I am?
This arch priest identity is just an alter-ego.
Go on, say it.
Megumin and Darkness might be too stubborn to believe it, but...
Go on, state my real class.
Debt goddess?
No! I'm a water goddess, remember?!
In spite of everything, I'm still a goddess!
I may have lost some of my powers down here among mortals,
but I still have a godlike power or two up my sleeve!
I might not be omniscient, but a little darkness will be a piece of cake!
Man, these really are all empty.
Perhaps she can actually see, but...
Who knows what trouble her bungling will cause?
The thing with dungeons is that there are always undead in them.
And they stalk the living by following their life force.
Which means that the Lurk skill isn't going to work on undead monsters.
So I just have to go with you, don't I?
Treasure, treasure, la la la, treasure!
My power...
My weapon...?
My madness?
Let my madness manifest!
This is it...
So this is where the unexplored territory starts, huh?
Maybe it's littered with treasure!
We're gonna be trouble if it's not.
All right, come on.
Hey, if my keen eyes aren't deceiving me,
it looks very much like you're shaking in fear with each step.
Well, for the record,
I can see you pitifully freaking out at every little sound we hear, too.
Even in here, I can still run away,
so if you detect any monsters, let me know.
And don't think you can get away with touching my butt in the darkness, either.
Would you like to know what I'm thinking about right now?
I'm considering how plausible it would be
to ditch you down here in the depths of the dungeon.
Oh, Kazuma, you're such a joker! Tee-hee!
Aqua, you dummy.
Haven't you known me long enough by now to know I'm not playing around?
Something's coming.
My Enemy Detection is picking it up.
What? What is that?
Are you showing me shadow puppets?
Okay, put a light on!
Forget your silly little fox and rabbit shadows.
I'll show you a perfect mobile fortress Destroyer!
That's not it!
That gesture meant "an enemy is coming, so let's run away!"
What the hell was that?
I could see its shape with Foresight, but not what it actually was...
That's a low-level demon called a gremlin.
You sometimes get weak demons in dungeons like these.
Wait, so you can actually see pretty well in this darkness?
As well as I can in daylight.
You said before that you'd heard me rustling around
when we were sleeping in the stables...
I didn't see what.
Once I heard you rustling around, I turned the other way to try and sleep.
Thank you for that, Aqua-sama.
Oh, it's just some adventurer's corpse.
So someone else has made it this far before?
I wonder what's up ahead.
Kazuma, wait a second.
Oh, lost soul who died with unfulfilled ambitions...
Go, rest in peace.
That should do it.
Aqua, something's up with you today...
Kazuma, I can't believe you went, "Phwah!"
After playing tough and coming in here alone, you're like, "Phwah!"
Maybe I really should ditch her.
Burst forth! Explosion!
Normally, this kind of thing involves watching for traps,
keeping your eyes peeled for monsters,
and mapping each room, one by one, while carefully proceeding.
What we're doing probably seems like heresy to people
who take dungeon crawling seriously.
Nothing good...
Hey, Kazuma.
When you put it that way, you make me feel like a burglar.
Don't say that.
I'm feeling kind of guilty about that myself.
Hey, treasure! There's treasure!
A treasure chest! We did it!
Hey, slow down!
Obvious treasure chests like that tend to be...
Yeah, my Enemy Detection skill is going off.
I remember the Guild people saying to be careful of Dungeon Mimics...
Some of them even
pretend to be humans in order to prey on other monsters.
Monsters, too?! Talk about nasty!
The struggle of natural selection even shows up in dungeons...
This world really is a rough place.
S-Stop that!
Don't! You can't!
Trying to put me into something so shameful...
Curse you!
I'll kill you!
Turn Undead!
Souls that wander this dark, cold dungeon.
You may rest in peace now.
Something's different about Aqua today!
She looks like a goddess you could take out in public and not be ashamed of!
Turn Undead!
Turn Undead!
Turn Undead! Turn Undead! Turn Undead! Turn Undead! Turn Undead!
Nature's Beauty!
God Blow!
Man, you've been a huge help.
I really would've been in trouble if I'd been alone.
Oh? Finally realizing how great I am?
You can praise me even more, if you want.
But doesn't this seem weird to you?
What do you mean?
There are so many undead around.
No party could've made it through here without an arch priest...
I can still smell undead in the area.
Sniff, sniff... Sniff, sniff... Sniff, sniff....
Sniff, sniff... Sniff, sniff...
Sniff, sniff, sniff....
Sniff, sniff, sniff....
That's weird. I definitely smell something.
Hey, are you okay?
Is there a priest among you?
My name is Keele. I built this dungeon and kidnapped a noble's daughter.
I am an evil wizard.
Great wizard Keele.
For your contributions to this kingdom,
you will be granted one wish.
I have but one wish...
For my beloved to no longer suffer, but to be happy.
You wretch!
She was married off for political reasons, you see.
But the king showed her no love,
and she was treated poorly within the palace.
That being the case...
If he had no use for her, why not let me take her away?
So I says that to him and run off with her!
In other words, you're not an evil wizard, but a good one?
Rather, I was one!
And when I proposed, she immediately accepted!
While we were eloping, I found myself facing off against the whole kingdom!
Oh, those were glorious days.
By the way, that's her right over there.
Well? Doesn't she have the most beautiful clavicle?
I'm not sure what to say.
She managed to pass on in peace.
That being the case, I've a favor to ask of you.
A favor?
Would you purify me?
The young lady is a priest with enough power to do so, correct?
It seems that Keele was gravely injured while protecting his lady,
and in order to keep her safe,
he abandoned his humanity and became a lich.
And in spite of myself, I thought that this lich was a pretty cool guy.
Okay, everything's ready.
I'm really grateful.
Unfortunately, undead can't do anything as surreal as killing themselves.
While I was waiting to slowly decay, I sensed a tremendous holy power
and was snapped out of my long slumber!
Arch Wizard Keele, who forsook god's law and willingly became a lich...
In the name of the goddess of water, Aqua, your sin is forgiven.
Who in the world is this?
When you awaken, you will likely meet a goddess
with unnaturally large breasts, named Eris.
If a difference in age doesn't matter to you,
or the trappings of man and woman,
and you'll accept whatever form it may take...
Then ask for her help in meeting your beloved again.
I'm sure she'll make your wish come true.
Thank you so much.
Sacred Turn Undead.
Dear wife, I'm coming soon.
Let's head back.
With the treasure Keele gave us, we left the chamber.
Hey, Aqua.
What's up?
That guy said he woke up because he sensed a tremendous holy power.
We didn't run into all those undead back there
because of you, did we?
I-I-I don't... think that's... the case...
That reminds me, when the dullahan attacked,
didn't his undead minions go after you?
H-Hey, Kazuma...
Why are you moving so far away?
Shouldn't we stick together in case a monster attacks?
If you're trying to ditch me down here,
that's not gonna happen!
You can't make it back on your own
without me to fight off the undead!
Please don't leave me behind!
Then you really did draw those undead to us?!
You can't leave me! There're other monsters down here, too!
Don't leave me alone!
Hang on, Kazuma!
Why are you only using Lurk on yourself?!
You wouldn't really... Cut the cruel jokes!
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done it!
I'm sorry, so use Lurk on me, too!
I'm sorry, Kazuma!
Please, Kazuma-sama!
May I ask what happened?
It was Kazuma!
Kazuma, he...
It's not my fault!
I was born divine and overflowing with vital energy!
Or what are you saying?
Am I supposed to lower my holy aura to that of Kazuma, the shut-in NEET?!
Think about how sad all the devout Axis cult members
scattered throughout the world would feel!
She doesn't even feel a bit guilty!
You could learn a lesson about spiritual purity from those two!
A shut-in NEET is telling a goddess to take cues from a pair of undead?!
Keele's Dungeon Exploration Complete Special Bonus: Keele's Treasure
This proves chances are worth taking, even if they seem unlikely!
And thanks to me, it was a huge success!
We can divide up the spoils 9:1.
Idiot! All of this is going toward our debt!
But we can at least order refills today, right?
Excuse me! Keep the drinks coming!
All I did was wait at the entrance, so it doesn't feel like I deserve it,
but thanks for—
That's no fair!
Please let me drink some! Come on!
A little bit couldn't hurt!
I can't handle these part-time jobs anymore! We gotta do quests!
Hup! Nature's Beauty!
There it is!
Miss, you really did us a huge favor this time.
This is on me. Please enjoy.
Uh, thanks...
You're paying?!
Hey, guys! Drinks are on Kazuma tonight!
You can bet on Kazuma! He always comes through when it counts!
That's Kazuma-san for you!
Kazuma! Kazuma! Kazuma!
Kazuma! Kazuma! Kazuma!
Hey, Kazuma! Do that thing!
Well, since you asked!
Steal! Steal! Steal!
Kazuma's paying for drinks?
Give me back my panties!
Steal! Steal!
I can use Steal, too! Steal! Steal!
Good grief...
Wh-What a coincidence, running into you here!
How lucky!
Today we'll duel with these!
Very well! Challenge accepted!
Give them back!
It's kinda fun!
I actually feel like an adventurer!
We're gonna drink 'til morning, people!
What am I even doing?
I can't keep this up!